What is Subrogation & How It Affects Car Accident Settlements
Posted in: Car Accidents
KNR Legal Blog
For young Ohio residents, driving their own vehicles makes them feel ready for adulthood. Sitting behind the wheel provides teenagers with a sense of freedom. However, with driving comes responsibility. A vehicle can injure or kill other people if it is involved in a car collision.
Unfortunately, a recent fatal car accident is a reminder about the risks associated with young and inexperienced drivers on the road. According to reports, the crash happened when a 16-year-old male youth driving a sports utility vehicle collided with a van in Wood County, Ohio.
The SUV reportedly crossed the road’s centerline and struck a minivan carrying four people — a 71-year-old man, his 64-year-old wife and two other relatives. The couple was pronounced dead at the scene. The wife’s 85-year-old mother and 88-year-old father died in a nearby hospital several days after the incident.
Authorities stated that the teenage driver was apparently driving negligently prior to the car crash and he has been charged with four counts of misdemeanor vehicular homicide in connection to the fatal accident. Since the driver is a juvenile, if proved to be delinquent, he might spend 90 days in a juvenile detention facility.
This car accident case may emphasize how negligent driving can claim lives in a matter of seconds. While it is understandable that teen drivers are more likely to causes crashes because of inexperience and limited driving skills, parents must assume responsibility for teaching their young drivers to operate a vehicle safely. Teen drivers are not only endangering other people but also themselves.
Aside from the risks of teen driving, the case also illustrates the horrific results of a crash to all those affected. Negligent driving may result in criminal charges, particularly if it causes bodily injury or death to victims. These events can also result in civil liabilities.
Source: Norwalk Reflector, “Criminal charges filed against 16-year-old driver in crash that killed 4,” Feb. 26, 2015