Truck driver in recent truck-train accident has criminal history | Kisling, Nestico & Redick
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KNR Legal
Date posted
March 25, 2015

Many people in Ohio rely on the state’s mass transit systems in order to commute back and forth to work. In addition to being a cheaper and greener alternative to private motor vehicles, mass transit also provides a sense of safety. However, when a mass transit accident occurs, the consequences can easily be catastrophic, primarily because of the huge number of people who can be affected by such accidents. One such recent incident is a perfect example of how dangerous a mass transit accident can be.

An accident in North Carolina that involved an Amtrak train and an oversized truck injured 55 people. News reports suggest that the truck-train accident was caused by the truck driver, who failed to safely maneuver the oversized truck through a railroad crossing. The 43-year-old truck driver was arrested after the accident and is facing charges for more than 12 traffic violations, which include speeding and driving on a revoked license multiple times.

According to investigators, the truck driver did not inform the railway dispatchers that he was having difficulties while making the turn at the railroad crossing and that he was carrying a load that was 16 feet tall and 16 feet wide and weighed a mammoth 127 tons.

Many Ohio residents would agree that a mass transit accident is an example of how negligence on the part of a motorist can result in serious consequences. Thankfully, none of the passengers on the train died, but 55 people were injured in the accident.

In the event of such an accident, the victims have the right to seek legal help. However, legal actions can be complicated and thus victims and their family members may choose to seek advice from an experienced personal injury attorney.

Source: ABC News, “Truck Driver in Amtrak Crash in NC Has History of Violations,” Michael Biesecker and Mitch Weiss, March 11, 2015