Tips to Avoid Distracted Walking in Cincinnati During Bengals Games | KNR
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KNR Legal
Date posted
August 21, 2019

If you live in Cincy, you know that the downtown area is crowded any time there is a Bengals game. There are countless people walking around enjoying some food, drinks, and football. If you happen to be downtown during a Bengals game, it’s important to pay attention while you’re waking and be mindful of your surroundings. Below, we’ve included some tips on how you can avoid distracted walking in Cincinnati whenever a Bengals game is taking place.

In the event you sustain an injury in a pedestrian accident that was not your fault, consult our highly skilled pedestrian accident lawyers at Kisling, Nestico & Redick. Our Cincinnati personal injury attorneys will investigate your case, determine liability, and ensure your rights are protected. Call us at 1-800-HURT-NOW today.

What is Distracted Walking?

While distracted driving is a well-known and established problem, distracted walking is a fairly new issue. It occurs when pedestrians sustain injuries because they are texting, eating, listening to music, or engaging in another distracting activity while they are walking.

The National Safety Council discovered that age is a significant factor in distracted walking accidents. 54% of distracted walkers are 40 years or younger. If you’re distracted while walking, you might trip and fall over a curb in the sidewalk or step into a crack or pothole and sprain your ankle. You may also get hurt by a distracted driver who doesn’t see you either.

How to Reduce the Risk of Distracted Walking Accidents

Here are some tips that can minimize your chances of getting hurt as a pedestrian who is walking downtown during a Bengals game.

Do Not Use Electronic Devices

It can be tempting to use headphones or play with your iPhone while you’re walking around downtown Cincinnati. Unfortunately, electronic devices can divert your attention from where you’re walking and increase your risk for a pedestrian accident. If you do need to use an electronic device, walk into a restaurant or store to do so.

Always Look Up

Get into the habit of always looking up while you’re walking downtown during a Bengals game. If you look down, you won’t know what’s going on around you and are more likely to get hurt. Keep your head up and eyes straight in front of you at all times as looking at your shoes or the ground poses a serious hazard.

Make Eye Contact with Drivers Before Crossing

All too often, pedestrians assume cars will stop for them if they are at a crosswalk. Sadly, this isn’t always the case as drivers can be distracted as well. Do not cross the road until you’ve made eye contact with the driver and are confident they know you are there.

Obey Traffic Signals

Traffic signals are designed to keep pedestrians and drivers safe. If you don’t have a walk signal or know that you don’t have much time left to cross, do not cross. It can be difficult to be patient and wait your turn while you’re downtown during a Bengals game and going somewhere fun, but it’s important to ensure optimal safety.

Refrain From Jaywalking

Jaywalking arises when a pedestrian walks in or crosses a road that is busy with traffic rather than waiting to cross at a safe crossing point. If you’re distracted, you may jaywalk without realizing it and suffer from an injury. Always cross the street at an intersection or crosswalk.

Contact Kisling, Nestico & Redick

If you are involved in a pedestrian accident while you are walking around downtown Cincy during a Bengals game, reach out to our firm as soon as possible. We understand just how hectic the area can get and have helped many people recover fair and full compensation for accidents in Cincinnati that were not their fault. Call us at 1-800-HURT-NOW today.