Jessica Compton Marches in the March for Babies | KNR
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KNR Legal
Date posted
May 23, 2017

KNR takes pride in its commitment to helping those in need—a commitment that reaches far beyond the walls of its offices. Attorney Jessica Compton of Toledo embodies this commitment. On May 21st, 2017, Jessica walked in the March for Babies in Perrysburg, Ohio. This annual three-mile march and fundraiser unites communities nationwide in support of the March of Dimes organization.

Since 2003, March of Dimes has championed efforts to raise funds and awareness for prematurely-born babies and their families. Of the nearly four million babies born every year in the United States, preterm birth affects almost 10%. These newborns often require constant care and treatment in order to properly finish developing outside of their mothers. For some families, this means a stay in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) that can span days, weeks, or even months. The process can be frightening, expensive, and exhausting.

Jessica understands the frightening nature of this process. While expecting her first child with her husband, Peter, Jessica learned that she had developed a dangerous pregnancy complication known as preeclampsia. This condition affects about 3 to 5 percent of pregnancies in the United States, however, it is estimated to account for 40 to 60 percent of maternal deaths. Because of the serious nature of the condition, her only choice was an emergency delivery, three months before her daughter’s actual due date.

Elise Holly Compton was born on December 5, 2016, weighing just one pound and 14 ounces. She was too weak to be delivered in any manner other than an emergency C-section and she was too weak to cry upon her entry into the world. “With preeclampsia, the blood pressure of the expecting mother can spike and can begin to have life-threatening consequences on the mother such as the possibility of stroke and can also have negative effects on the baby such as fetal heart deceleration. The only real ‘cure’ is delivery,” explained Jessica, “so the baby then may be required to spend two and a half to three months in the NICU.” During their stay in the NICU, babies like Elise often face complications such as bradycardia, where breathing can stop and the heart rate can fall to dangerously low levels. Dangerous infections can also be introduced from PIC lines needed to deliver needed antibiotics and medicines to the baby.

Jessica’s participation in the March for Babies served as a welcomed change of scenery from the Toledo Hospital’s NICU where Elise stayed for so long. Her support for March of Dimes ensures families like hers will continue to endure and overcome the challenges of premature birth until they are able to win the fight once and for all.

As for Elise, she is now thriving at five months old. “She is one hundred percent healthy in every way,” declared her mother. “She has no deficits whatsoever. Elise is completely normal.” Normal, perhaps, aside from the fact that she has only recently reached the size of a typical newborn. Still, families like Jessica’s know that a happy and healthy baby is more than enough.

Jessica maintains that the nurses and doctors in the NICU are miracle workers who ensure families a lasting legacy of happy and healthy children.

If you would like to learn more about March of Dimes or contribute to its cause, please visit