Tips to Avoid Distracted Walking in Cleveland During Browns Games | KNR
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KNR Legal
Date posted
August 28, 2019

Downtown Cleveland is a fun place to be during Browns games. Whether you’re actually going to a game, tailgating for one, or enjoying it from a bar or restaurant, you should pay attention to where you’re walking at all times. Keep reading to find out what you can do to avoid distracted walking in Cleveland during Browns games.

If you get hurt in a pedestrian accident that is caused by another party’s negligence, consult our experienced Cleveland pedestrian accident lawyers at Kisling, Nestico & Redick. You can count on us to prove liability and help you recover the maximum compensation you may deserve. Call us at 1-800-HURT-NOW today.

What is Distracted Walking?

Distracted walking can be just as dangerous as distracted driving. It refers to any activity such as texting, talking on the phone, eating, or listening to music while you’re walking. According to research by The Ohio State University, injuries from walking and using a mobile phone doubled and increased as a percentage of the total pedestrian injuries from 2003 to 2010.

The Governors Highway Safety Association also found that texting while walking caused a boost in pedestrian fatalities in 2015 that continued to climb in 2016. If you engage in distracted walking, you may trip and injure yourself. You may also sustain an injury from a distracted driver who isn’t paying attention either.

Ways to Avoid Distracted Walking During Browns Games

To protect yourself from serious accidents and injuries while walking around downtown Cleveland during Browns games, be sure to do the following.

Don’t Multitask

It’s all too easy to text your friend and tell her you’re on your way to the bar while walking and listening to music. Unfortunately, multitasking is a recipe for disaster as it diverts your complete attention from the road in front of you and prevents you from being aware of your surroundings. If you need to send a text or engage in any other activity, take a break from walking, stop into a store or restaurant, and do so there.

Look Up at All Times

While you’re walking to your destination, make sure your head is always up rather than down. It can be difficult to protect yourself from a pedestrian accident if you’re focused on the ground or your shoes rather than your walking path.

Follow Traffic Signs

Instead of walking around and doing whatever you feel like, you must pay attention and follow all traffic signs. Don’t dart out in the middle of the road when there is traffic and only cross at safe crossing points. Ignoring traffic signs can lead to a serious accident that you may be liable for.

Walk on Sidewalks

It’s important to pay attention and walk on sidewalks and cross at street corners using crosswalks and traffic signals. If there aren’t any sidewalks, walk facing traffic as far to the left as you can.

Don’t Drink and Walk

If you’re planning on enjoying some alcohol while you’re downtown during a Browns game, take an Uber or get a ride from a friend instead of walking. It can be tough to avoid distracted walking when you’re impaired by alcohol.

Contact Kisling, Nestico & Redick

Despite your best effort to avoid distracted walking, you may still get hurt in an accident that was not your fault. If this happens, don’t hesitate to reach out to a personal injury attorney in Cleveland, OH right away. We’ll evaluate your case and inform you of your legal options. Call us at 1-800-HURT-NOW today.