Ohio traffic signs aim to curb motorcycle accidents | Kisling, Nestico & Redick
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KNR Legal
Date posted
April 17, 2014

Spring is here and as the weather becomes warmer and conducive to outdoor activities, many residents of Summit, Ohio take to the road on their motorcycles. While a motorcycle ride can be both exhilarating and convenient, riding one can put the safety and life of a motorcyclist in danger.

In order to curb the number of motorcycle accidents in Ohio, electronic traffic signs have been implemented across the state to remind other motorists to share the road with motorcyclists safely. According to the most recent statistics from the Ohio State Highway Patrol, 165 people died in motorcycle accidents in the state in 2012, causing heartbreak for friends and families of the victims.

Motorcyclists should share the road and exercise care while driving. They should be properly trained to operate their motorcycles as well as use safety gear, such as helmets.

However, other drivers should be responsible for the safety of motorcyclists and other people on the road, too. A motorcycle can be difficult to spot in traffic and offers no protection to its rider, making the motorcyclist prone to serious and fatal injuries after a collision.

One way motorists can avoid a motorcycle crash is by observing traffic using rearview and side-view mirrors as well as the front and back windows. Drivers must also provide enough driving distance behind motorcyclists in case they need to change lanes or make sudden stops.

Motorcycle crash injuries come with significant pain and suffering. The victim and the victim’s family can face substantial costs because of medical expenses, funeral costs, lost wages and other damages. If a negligent driver causes an accident, the injured victim may file a personal injury lawsuit to seek compensation. If the victim dies, the family may file a wrongful death case.

Source: WDTN.com, “Warning for drivers as riding season begins,” Jackie Sprague, April 5, 2014