Personal Injury and Car Accident Lawyers in Morgan County, OH | Kisling, Nestico & Redick
Kisling, Nestico & Redick, LLC Hurt in a Car? Call KNR.
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You could be entitled to financial compensation if someone’s negligence injured you or a loved one. A personal injury attorney serving Morgan County is helpful when you want to pursue damages from the at-fault party.

Kisling, Nestico & Redick has recovered more than $500 million in settlements and verdicts for injured people like you. While past results don’t guarantee future outcomes, our attorneys fight vigorously for maximum compensation. We understand how insurance companies operate and will take your case to court if necessary.

If someone’s negligence injured you or a loved one, call Kisling, Nestico & Redick at 1-800-HURT-NOW for a free consultation. We are also available online. We only get paid when you recover compensation.

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Personal Injuries in Morgan County, OH

Kisling, Nestico & Redick protects victims’ rights in many accidents and incidents. These accidents are common in McConnelsville and throughout Morgan County. You could be entitled to compensation for your injuries and damages.

Common Personal Injury Accidents

Benefits of an Injury Attorney

Accident victims who work with an attorney are more likely to recover fair compensation. You enjoy the peace of mind from having an attorney protect your rights and focus on feeling better. There are also other benefits to hiring a personal injury attorney.

Examines Evidence to Prove Liability

When someone breaches their duty of care and is negligent, accidents happen. An attorney can investigate your case to determine the cause and the liable party. Establishing liability is critical to recovering compensation for your medical bills, lost pay, and other losses.

Compiles Your Damages

Several factors influence how much compensation you could receive. The most influential are your injuries’ extent, duration, and severity. An attorney compiles your economic and emotional damages to seek a fair settlement.

Negotiates with Insurance Companies

Kisling, Nestico & Redick has earned a reputation for fiercely defending the rights of accident victims. We have an in-depth knowledge of the insurance industry and recognize when they are stalling. Insurance companies often make it challenging for injured individuals to recover the compensation they deserve.

KNR levels the playing field with skilled negotiation. We are equally comfortable taking your case to court if negotiations break down.

Connects You with Local Resources

Aside from legal representation, KNR provides links to local resources that might benefit you. These are services that accident victims often need, such as hospitals, towing services, and repair shops.

Morgan County, OH Resources for the Injured

With 12 locations across Ohio, KNR has helped over 10,000 clients. Here are Morgan County resources that may help you or a loved one.


We strongly encourage accident victims to seek medical attention after an injury or accident. Sometimes the shock or adrenaline masks injury symptoms. To avoid the risk of worsening symptoms or developing complications, seek medical care.


Sudden falls or blows can throw your spine out of alignment, causing headaches and pain in your neck or back. It might be a good idea to visit a chiropractor to help relieve your pain and discomfort.

Chiropractors examine the root cause of your pain and help you get on the right path to recovery.

Common Questions for the Injured

With over 500 combined years of legal experience, KNR is here for you every step of the process. We take care of all the details and answer your questions. Here are commonly asked questions from other injured individuals.

How Long Do I Have to File a Lawsuit?

The Ohio statute of limitations for personal injury lawsuits is two years from the date of injury. That may seem like a long time, but you should know that most injury cases begin as insurance claims. You deserve to have enough time to exercise your legal rights.

Do I Admit Fault in My Injury Case?

Admitting fault in your case gives the insurance company grounds to deny your claim or pay you less than you deserve. Even an inadvertent remark such as “I’m sorry” may imply fault. You don’t have to talk to the insurance company – you may choose to let an experienced attorney communicate on your behalf.

How Can I Prove Someone Is at Fault?

Determining fault is a vital part of your claim. An attorney has the knowledge and resources to investigate and identify the liable party. In some cases, there could be more than one responsible party. There are several ways to secure evidence.

Photos and Video

Our injury attorneys recommend that victims take pictures or videos at the accident scene. Try to include details that show how or what caused the accident, such as a wet floor or skid marks. It would help if you also took pictures of your injuries and property damage.


Ask the people at the scene if they would be willing to tell the police or an attorney what they saw. Official witnesses are a great addition to your claim.

Police Report

Call the police to have them document your accident or injury. A lawyer examines the police report for information that supports your claim.

Should I Go to the Hospital?

Seeking medical care after an injury or accident is a priority. Naturally, you might be in the hospital already for severe injuries. You might not have to go to the hospital for less severe injuries, but you should still seek medical attention. It can be hazardous to your health if you fail to treat injuries that worsen or lead to complications.

Medical Documentation

Whether you go to the hospital, a walk-in clinic, or your family doctor, medical documentation is an official record of your injuries. If you lack medical documentation, the at-fault party’s insurance company might deny your claim. They could imply insufficient proof that you were hurt and had damages.

For your best health and to maximize your chance of compensation, follow your healthcare provider’s recommendations.

Accident Statistics for Morgan County, OH

Population: 13,802 Total Size: 422 square miles

According to the Ohio State Highway Patrol, there were 178 car accidents in 2020 in Morgan County. Three crashes were fatal. More accidents occurred on Fridays and Saturdays.

Contributing Factors:

  • 15 alcohol-related
  • 18 involving OVI (Operating Vehicle Impaired)
  • 5 drug-related
  • 11 involved distracted drivers
  • 40 speed-related
  • 20 involved failure-to-yield
  • 20 motorcycle-related

Accidents by Age Group:

  • 56 youth-related
  • 23 involved teens
  • 55 mature-related

Morgan County Courthouse

Morgan County, OH Car Accident Resources

Our car accident attorneys know that it is frustrating to find local resources, such as a towing service or auto body shop. With over 10,000 clients served throughout Ohio, KNR makes your life easier with links to resources that injured people often need.

Towing Services

Call a tow truck if you cannot drive your car because of extensive damage. There are a couple towing businesses in McConnelsville and Morgan County.

Need a Tow LLC (Chesterhill) (740) 554-5455
Quick 60 Auto Shop (740) 962-3993

Body Shops

It isn’t enjoyable to see your car banged up due to someone’s negligence. Here are some options for finding a mechanic who can repair and restore your vehicle.

Quick 60 Auto Shop (740) 962-3993
Jarrett’s Body Shop (740) 849-2298

Car Rentals

There aren’t many options for car rentals in Morgan County. The closest are listed below.

Thrifty Car Rental at John Glenn Airport

Mark Lang Rentals (740) 336-1893

Police Departments

Police reports help document the time, place, and involved parties. Some reports list the officer’s observations about who caused the crash. An attorney reviews a crash report for information that supports your claim.

McConnelsville Police Department
Morgan County Sheriff’s Office
Ohio State Highway Patrol

Crash Reports

The Ohio State Highway Patrol website lets you order a crash report. However, if another police agency investigates your crash, you must contact them. Crash reports provide official documentation that could be useful for your claim.

Common Car Accident Questions

With over 500 combined years of legal experience, our attorneys are ready to take on the insurance company for you. We are also here to answer your questions. If you have specific concerns that aren’t answered below, please reach out to us online.

What if the Other Driver Is Uninsured?

In an average car accident, you file a claim with the at-fault driver’s insurance. If the at-fault driver does not have insurance or enough insurance, it becomes more complicated. An experienced car accident attorney helps you understand your options.

You could file a claim with your uninsured motorist policy. If you don’t carry uninsured motorist coverage, your best chance for collecting compensation is likely a personal injury lawsuit.

Should I Hire an Attorney?

You significantly increase your chance of recovering a fair settlement when you hire an attorney. Kisling, Nestico & Redick focuses on negligent injury. Our lawyers deal with insurance companies all the time. We are adept at identifying their delay techniques and savvy that they often make a lowball initial offer. Let us fight for maximum compensation – you owe nothing unless we recover damages for you.

What Is Negligence?

Negligence is a legal term that means an individual failed to uphold the same duty of care as another reasonable person under similar circumstances. Many car accidents occur because someone fails to act or acts recklessly.

Types of car accidents caused by negligence:

What if My Injuries Prevent Me from Working?

Many personal injury protection (PIP) policies cover lost wages. If your injuries are severe or need extended recovery time, your damages could exceed these policy limits. A car accident lawyer with Kisling, Nestico & Redick can seek additional compensation through a personal injury lawsuit.

Why Hire KNR?

Since 2005, Kisling, Nestico & Redick has helped over 10,000 accident victims. Many of our attorneys worked in the insurance industry before joining the firm. This hands-on experience works for your benefit during settlement negotiations. We have an exceptional record of results for personal injury victims.

Trying to pursue compensation by yourself is a complicated and stressful experience. Working with an attorney allows you to focus on healing from your injuries. KNR gives you a solid legal advocate to navigate the entire insurance claims process.

Call KNR: Free Consultations & No Up-front Cost

Call 1-800-HURT-NOW to schedule a free initial consultation today. Kisling, Nestico & Redick is available online. We only get paid when you recover compensation.