Protect Your Car Accident Claim: The Dangers of Social Media
Posted in: Car Accidents
KNR Legal Blog
Distracted driving is a very dangerous behavior. Unfortunately, many drivers continue to drive distracted in the United States. Distracted driving has become a serious safety issue as it continues to cause serious injuries and fatalities every day. Did you know there are nine fatalities every day caused by distracted drivers in the U.S.? The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention also say that more than 1,000 people are injured in distracted driving accident each day as well.
These statistics show just how dangerous distracted driving is, and why drivers need to know about the risks of distracted driving to keep everyone safe on the road. There are many different causes of distracted driving. Cellphone use like texting or dialing on a cellphone is a big cause of distracted driving car accidents. However, eating, changing the radio and being distracted by scenery are also other causes of distracted driving accidents.
All types of distracted driving are very dangerous. However, texting while driving is considered to be one of the most dangerous behaviors because of the impact it has on a driver’s ability to safely operate a vehicle. Texting drivers are not able to focus on the road at the same time they are reading or writing a text. This can be fatal, as not looking at the road for even just a few seconds increases the chances of getting into a car accident.
Drivers need to be aware of the dangers of texting while driving and other distracting behaviors. All drivers should take steps to reduce distractions when they are driving. This may include turning your cellphone off or keeping it out of sight while driving. It can also be helpful to program the radio and heat settings before you start driving so you aren’t focused on these tasks while driving.
With everyone in society having a cellphone constantly in their hands, it may not be easy to stop using a cellphone while you drive. However, choosing to stop texting while driving and taking steps to prevent other distractions can help keep you and everyone else on the road alive.
Source: red Orbit, “Nearly One In 10 Motorists Killed Daily Due To Distracted Driving: CDC,” Brett Smith, Feb. 25, 2014