KNR Paralegal Embraces Love & Inclusivity at You Complete Me 5k | Kisling, Nestico & Redick
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Date posted
February 10, 2024

Celebrating Warmth, Wellness, & Community Spirit

Taking in an unusually warm February day, KNR Litigation Paralegal Carole B. headed to Canfield Fairgrounds to partake in an event that symbolizes love, health, and togetherness—the second annual You Complete Me 5k.

The You Complete Me 5k: A Run with Heart

The You Complete Me 5k isn’t just any race. It’s a celebration of love in its most inclusive and joyous forms, inviting participants to run alongside those they hold dear—be it spouses, siblings, friends, or family. Carole, embracing the spirit of the event, teamed up with a close friend for the day. Together, they joined hundreds of other participants, embodying the event’s essence by walking amidst a vibrant crowd that mirrored a bright, spring-like day.

Supporting Ainsley’s Angels: Empowerment Through Inclusion

This year, the benefits from the race were dedicated to Ainsley’s Angels, a unique organization that educates, advocates, and celebrates inclusive communities while connecting everyone through empowerment and belonging.

KNR’s Commitment to Community & Wellness

Participation in events like the You Complete Me 5k reflects KNR’s overarching mission—to contribute positively to the health and well-being of our community. By supporting initiatives that align with our values of love, inclusion, and empowerment, we reaffirm our commitment to making Ohio a better place for all its residents.

Carole’s participation is a testament to the individual and collective efforts of our team to engage with and support meaningful causes.

Join Us in Making a Difference.