PUBLICATION NOTICE – Estate of Dereje Kebede Kume, Case No. 599195
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KNR Legal Blog
Walmart is the largest retail company in the country and the demand for its product across the U.S., including Summit, Ohio, is high. Therefore, it is the job of truck drivers who work for Walmart to transport and ship these products on time. However, because of this, there are instances where truckers work longer hours than they should without proper sleep.
Driver fatigue, however, can increase the risk to motorists for a truck accident. In fact, this factor is being considered as the primary cause of a fatal truck collision involving Tracy Morgan. The comedian actor was one of the victims injured in a collision between a limousine bus and a Walmart tractor-trailer.
According to a report, the limousine bus carrying Morgan and other passengers was hit by a commercial truck from behind. The authorities stated that a 35-year-old man driving the Walmart commercial truck failed to slow for traffic and ultimately had to swerve out of the way to avoid a collision, then rear-ended the limo bus instead. The truck driver is facing four separate count of assault with an auto and one count of a fatality caused by an automobile.
The commercial vehicle accident tragically ended the life of a 62-year-old friend of Morgan. The former cast member of “30 Rock,” however, suffered serious injuries in the crash. He sustained several broken ribs, a broken nose and a broken femur. He underwent surgery recently and is expected to recover. The National Transportation Safety Board is also investigating and looking into safety issues that may prevent such accidents.
Under the new federal regulations, truck drivers must have a minimum of 10 hours off between work shifts so that they can sleep. A truck driver’s lack of sleep in the event of a commercial vehicle accident may constitute negligence. If this is proven by an investigation, there are legal remedies available that can hold the truck driver and the trucking company liable for the damages caused by the accident.