$110,000 Settlement After A Hit And Run | KNR
Kisling, Nestico & Redick, LLC Hurt in a Car? Call KNR.
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Settlement $

While being injured in a car accident is difficult for anyone, the challenges can be exorbitantly more trying if you are the victim of a hit and run. For example, a man was walking when he was suddenly struck by a vehicle; however, the at-fault party did not stop, nor were they ever found and held responsible. The victim suffered several serious injuries including a broken jaw, a concussion, and two broken legs that left him constrained to a wheelchair for 6 weeks, but he did not know where to turn for help. He was obviously concerned about the cost of his recuperation and the worry of shouldering this financial burden alone led him to the experienced Ohio car accident attorneys with KNR.

The compassionate and skilled legal team with KNR reviewed all the relevant facts and policy details, eventually determining the client could seek remedy through a provision in his mother’s insurance policy. The accident attorneys with KNR represented their client but ran into a hurdle when the insurer initially denied the claim based on a liability issue. Undeterred, KNR aggressively continued to negotiate for their client and once they presented video evidence along with a sound legal argument, the insurer relented and settled the case for the policy limit of $110,000. In the end, the client was relieved with such a swift resolution, allowing him to recover properly, which may not have been possible if not for KNR’s intervention.

Individual results may vary based on the facts, injuries, jurisdiction, venue, witnesses, parties, and other factors.