Who to Contact After a Car Accident in Mahoning County | KNR
Kisling, Nestico & Redick, LLC Hurt in a Car? Call KNR.
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KNR Legal
Date posted
November 5, 2018

Mahoning County is home to Mill Creek Park, Fellows Riverside Gardens, Lanterman’s Mill, Boardman Park, and a number of other attractions. Youngstown is its county seat, and if you are a resident of Mahoning County or frequently drive through it, you should know that car crashes are a frequent occurrence. Below, we’ve outlined who to contact after a car accident in the area.

In the event you get hurt in a car crash in Mahoning County, reach out to our experienced Youngstown personal injury lawyers at Kisling, Nestico & Redick. For a free, no-risk consultation, call 1-800-HURT-NOW or contact us online to learn about your legal options.

Parties That Need to Be Contacted After a Mahoning County Car Crash

The two most important parties that you should contact after being involved in a car accident in Mahoning County are the police and a personal injury lawyer. Let’s take a closer look at how each of these parties can assist you.

The Mahoning County Police

Right after the accident occurs, the Mahoning County Sheriff’s Office may arrive at the scene. However, if they don’t, it’s essential to call them and inform them of the crash. Once they arrive, they’ll ask you, the others involved in the accident, and any witnesses several questions. They will then write up a crash report, which contains crucial information about the crash such as:

  • Date and time of the accident
  • Weather conditions
  • Road hazards
  • The driving speeds of all drivers involved
  • The contact information and insurance details of all drivers
  • Witness statements

A crash report can serve as a valuable piece of evidence that can help you if you decide to file a personal injury claim. Without one, it can be a real challenge for you to collect the maximum compensation you may be entitled to.

A liable driver may state that the accident was not their fault and even deny the fact they were involved in. If there is no crash report and written documentation of what happened, an insurer may deny your claim and leave you with hefty out-of-pocket expenses.

A Mahoning County Personal Injury Lawyer

Even if you believe your car accident was a minor fender bender and it’s clear who is at fault, you should consult a highly skilled Mahoning County personal injury lawyer. They can thoroughly evaluate your case and ensure that your rights are protected. In addition, a Mahoning County car accident lawyer can:

  • Negotiate with insurance companies: Since insurance companies are in business to make money, they will likely offer you a settlement that’s far lower than what you deserve. If you’d like to make sure you receive the fair and full compensation, avoid speaking to insurance companies directly. Allow a car accident lawyer to negotiate with them on your behalf.
  • File a personal injury claim: Filing a personal injury claim involves a great deal of paperwork and certain deadlines. A Mahoning County car accident lawyer can help you file a claim correctly.
  • Estimate your damage: Determining the value of your case can be challenging. Therefore, it’s wise to work with a car accident lawyer who can look at your medical bills, lost wages, vehicle damage, pain and suffering, and other damages to help you figure out how much your claim may be worth.
  • Determine liability: Liability is often tricky in car accident cases. While you may think the other driver is responsible, the other driver may believe you are at fault. A lawyer can assist you in determining and proving liability.

Injured in a Mahoning County Car Crash? Contact Kisling, Nestico & Redick

If you get hurt in a Mahoning County car crash that was not your fault, it is in your best interest to consult a Mahoning County car accident lawyer with KNR. Call us at 1-800-HURT-NOW or contact us online today for a free, no-obligation consultation.