What to Do After a Crash on I-270 in Franklin County | KNR
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KNR Legal
Date posted
October 5, 2018

Interstate 270 or I-270 is a freeway in Franklin County, Ohio commonly referred to as “The Outerbelt” or sometimes “Jack Nicklaus Freeway.” Every day, drivers in and around Columbus, OH take I-270 to get to work, school, or anywhere else they need to go.

Unfortunately, this freeway is no stranger to accidents. If you find yourself involved in a crash on I-270, take the steps below to protect your health and rights. In addition, contact an experienced Franklin County car accident lawyer at Kisling, Nestico & Redick. Call our Columbus car accident attorneys at 614-487-8669 or submit a request online to schedule a free, no-risk consultation.

Steps to Take After an Accident on I-270

After an accident on I-270, you will likely be overwhelmed. However, it’s important to stay as calm as possible and follow these steps.

Call the Police

If the police have not yet arrived at the scene, call and inform them of the crash. Once they arrive, officers will ask you and the other drivers involved in the accident several questions. Additionally, they’ll complete a crash report that can be used later for insurance claims purposes or to prove what happened.

The crash report should contain information like the date and location of the crash, the names and contact details of all the drivers involved, the vehicle damage sustained, and any injuries that occurred.

Seek Medical Attention

Visiting the doctor is vital to treating your injuries properly after an accident. Even if you believe your symptoms are not serious or your injury is no big deal, it’s important to seek medical attention.

Many car accident injuries are not immediately apparent and can become problematic if they are not treated right away. Seeking medical attention can also help you document your injuries and determine how much compensation you may be entitled to for your medical bills if you file a claim.

Photograph the Scene

Use a smartphone or camera to take photographs of the accident scene. Document traffic signs, weather conditions, injuries sustained, vehicle damage, and anything else that you believe can help you prove liability. It’s also wise to write down what happened so that you don’t have to worry about forgetting the details days, weeks, or months after the crash took place.

Avoid Admitting Fault

Making statements like “I’m sorry” or “It was all my fault,” can cost you. Rather than apologizing or taking the blame for the accident, remain neutral when interacting with the police and other drivers involved. Your perception right after the accident may not be the reality of the situation and can lead the police and other driver(s) to believe the crash was indeed your fault even if it wasn’t.

Do Not Speak to Insurance Adjusters

After a car accident, an insurance adjuster may call you and try to convince you to accept a settlement. Remember that insurance companies are in business to make money. Therefore, the adjuster will likely offer you an amount that is far lower than you deserve. Despite how nice an adjuster may seem, don’t speak to them, sign any paperwork they send you or accept a settlement before contacting a lawyer.

Contact a Franklin County Car Accident Lawyer

Seeking legal representation after a crash on I-270 is essential. A Franklin County car accident lawyer can help you determine who is liable for the crash and file a claim on your behalf if the accident was not your fault. In addition, a lawyer can negotiate with insurance companies and ensure you receive the fair and full compensation you may be entitled to. You may be able to collect compensation for damages such as:

  • Medical bills
  • Lost wages
  • Pain and suffering
  • Emotional distress
  • Vehicle damaged

Injured in an I-270 Crash? Contact Kisling, Nestico & Redick

If you’d sustain an injury in an I-270 accident that was caused by someone else’s negligence, contact 614-487-8669 today to speak to a Franklin County car accident lawyer. You can also schedule a free, no-obligation consultation by submitting a request online. Let KNR inform you of your rights and legal options.