Questions to Ask a Personal Injury Lawyer | KNR
Kisling, Nestico & Redick, LLC Hurt in a Car? Call KNR.
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KNR Legal
Date posted
February 27, 2017

If you have never worked with a lawyer before, then needing to find a personal injury attorney after being hurt in an accident can be an intimidating experience. You may not know where to start or how to determine which firm is the best for you. There are a few things you can do to ease the process of finding a personal injury lawyer.

An initial case consultation is the best way to meet with an experienced attorney, learn a little about the law related to your situation, and get an objective first opinion about your legal options. At Kisling, Nestico & Redick, our Ohio personal injury lawyers use this first meeting to get to know you and what you need from us in order to be able to move forward with your life.

Call us today at 1-800-HURT-NOW or use our online form to schedule your free, no-risk consultation.

Preparing for Your Consultation

When preparing for your initial case consultation, you should gather any documentation you have about your accident and injuries, including the police report, correspondence with an insurer, and medical records. These can provide the attorney with important details about your potential claim. You should also come prepared with questions. By knowing what you want to ask, you can get the most out of your free consultation with an Ohio personal injury lawyer at KNR.

Ask About Experience, Availability, and Communication

  • How long have you practiced in Ohio or another state?
  • How long have you handled personal injury claims?
  • Have you ever had your law license suspended in Ohio or any other state?
  • How many personal injury cases have you taken to trial?
  • How many cases do you currently handle?
  • Will you be able to devote enough time to my case?
  • How often do you communicate with your clients with active cases?
  • Is it best to reach you through phone or email?
  • How long does it typically take you to respond to an email or phone call?
  • Who else would work on my case?
  • If a paralegal or clerk will be involved with my case, what is their level of experience?

Do Not Leave Without Learning About Fees

  • Do you charge based on an hourly or contingency basis?
  • What is your hourly rate or contingency fee?
  • How is a contingency fee paid when my case is resolved?
  • Will I be charged up front for fees or court costs related to my case?
  • Will I be charged any fees or court costs if we lose at trial?

Inquire About Your Case

  • At first glance, does it appear I have a cause of action?
  • How many similar claims have you handled?
  • Do you have any special knowledge related to my case?
  • Can you tell me about positive outcomes you have achieved in cases like mine?
  • How much is my case potentially worth?
  • Will I need to file an insurance claim?
  • Do you think I will be able to settle or have to go to trial?
  • Are you willing to take my case to trial?
  • How long does it usually take to resolve these types of cases?

Call Our Ohio Personal Injury Lawyers Today

When you have been hurt in an accident, you want an attorney who really understands what you are going through and knows the best strategies to recover compensation. At KNR, we have years of experience handling a variety of personal injury claims. We have seen firsthand the physical, emotional, and financial consequences of being hurt because of someone else’s carelessness, recklessness, or intentional wrongdoing. That is why we offer the skills and resources necessary to get you through a complex insurance claim process or trial as efficiently as possible. Our main concerns will be to protect your rights and to obtain you the maximum compensation possible.

Do not hesitate to reach out to us today at 1-800-HURT-NOW. We will schedule you a free consultation as soon as possible.