2014 Walk a Mile in Her Shoes | KNR
Kisling, Nestico & Redick, LLC Hurt in a Car? Call KNR.
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Written by
KNR Legal
Date posted
April 25, 2014

Akron, OH, April 25, 2014 – Akron based personal injury law firm, Kisling, Nestico and Redick, LLC (KNR), is no stranger to taking an active part in the community. Raising more than $12,000 for The Rape Crisis Center of Medina and Summit Counties, KNR participated in the 9th annual Walk AA Mile In Her Shoes event held April 25th in downtown Akron.

For the third year in a row, KNR raised more than any other organization – most importantly raising awareness for victims of sexual abuse. In what has come to be a KNR tradition, over 75 people (employees and spouses alike) walked for the firm in support of victims of sexual violence.

“I couldn’t be more proud of our firm, says Brandy Brewer, Director of Operations at KNR, support was shown not only the day of the event, but we raffled off Jeans Casual Days, gift cards, and the firm even donated an iPad Air for a lucky participant. Our staff is dedicated to making our community a better place and I couldn’t be more proud to be a member of Team KNR.”

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For more information on KNR’s charitable contributions and community events, or if you or someone you know could be the victim of an auto accident, contact Kisling, Nestico & Redick at 1-800-HURT-NOW or KNRlegal.com.