KNR Races for Kids | Kisling, Nestico & Redick
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Date posted
June 22, 2024

KNR Braves Heat Wave for Saturday Race

While the rest of Ohio was sweltering in the heat wave, the Cleveland Metroparks Zoo was a cool oasis as hundreds of racers gathered for a fun-filled day at the Race for Kids 2024, all in support of local kids!

An Event of Whimsy and Fun

Flowers, animals, and other whimsical displays lined the course as KNR Senior Closing Paralegal Diane P, alongside her sister, joined the crowd to support local youth activities with the Boys and Girls Club of Northeast Ohio. 

“My sister and I were very proud to be a part of hundreds of participants who came out to support this incredible event,” said Diane.”It was such a fun event with lively music playing and all the Cleveland team sports mascots to cheer everyone on and give inspiration to all the participants who were competing in this race!”

Working Together to Support Local Kids

Kids are the future, so KNR works hard alongside our community to support youth programs like the Boys and Girls Club. These programs help develop, support and engage kids to reach their full potential as productive, responsible, and caring citizens.

As we look forward to future events, we remain committed to making a positive impact through active participation and charitable contributions.