Day 1 of 31 Days of Giving | Kisling, Nestico & Redick
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Written by
KNR Legal
Date posted
December 1, 2018

On Saturday, December 1st, Team KNR kicked off 31 Days of Giving by sending dozens of handmade cards to 10 year old Oliviah Hall of Ashtabula. Oliviah has been battling a rare form of brain cancer for a year. In a recent post on the Team Oliviah Facebook page, Oliviah indicated that she would love to receive Christmas cards this holiday season, thus, KNR employees began crafting unique and cheerful cards for her.

31 Days of Giving continues daily throughout the month of December, as the grand finale to Kisling, Nestico & Redick’s 12 month campaign, KNR Cares. The KNR Cares campaign began in January 2018, with a commitment to give back to the community in a big way each month for twelve months, in celebration of the firm’s twelve year anniversary.